K CARE Reacher Grabber Tool

K CARE Reacher Grabber Tool


Size: 87cm (MOQ: 20) Overall Length 870 mm Brand K Care

87cm (MOQ: 20) Overall Length 870 mm Brand K Care

Introducing our Lightweight Aluminium Reacher, expertly designed. With a light touch finger-operated trigger and rotating jaws featuring a magnetic tip and key hook, this reacher offers ultimate convenience. The rubber grip jaws ensure a secure grab, reducing the need to bend or stretch. Available in multiple lengths, it's the perfect aid for effortless reaching and grabbing.

Lightweight aluminium design. 
Light touch finger operated trigger. 
Rotating jaws with magnetic tip and key hook. 
Rubber grip jaws provide a more secure grab. 
Reduces the need to bend or stretch for items. 
Available in multiple lengths

Move Mobility - Keeping Australia Moving


Overall Length: 870mm