MOLIFT RgoSling Mediumback Net Shower Chair

MOLIFT RgoSling Mediumback Net Shower Chair


Size: XXS 300kg

XXS 300kg
XXL, SWL 300kg
XL, SWL 300kg
XS,SWL 300kg
L, SWL 300kg
M, SWL 300kg
S, WL 300kg

Introducing our Shower and Pool Polyester Net Sling, expertly designed by Move Mobility. This comfortable and supportive sling is perfect for moist environments. Its anatomical design mimics the spine's curve, while sliding loops ensure balanced weight distribution. With application pockets and color-coded hoisting loops, finding the right fit is a breeze. Our clear labeling system and machine washable fabric promote hygiene and convenience. Trust Move Mobility for expertly crafted mobility aids that prioritize your comfort and safety.
ARTG Number: 360017
Australian Standards: 10535:2011

Move Mobility - Keeping Australia Moving


ARTG Number: 360017
Australian Standards: 10535:2011